Finished The Bell Jar last night, started on Bettering Humanomics over breakfast. 📚
Sunday reading: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe 📚
Picked up The Problem of Democracy in Blackwell’s for a tenner.
Now reading: On the Edge, Nate Silver 📚
Sunday afternoon / end of year / mid-life reading
Sunday reading: The Dawn of Everything, Graeber & Wengrow
Cycled from Perth to Pitlochry. Sunshine to mist and rain! Lots of autumn colours though! 🍂
Sunday morning reading: Exercised by Daniel Lieberman
“A person who is looking for beauty is likely to find wonders, while a person looking for threats will find danger. A person who beams warmth brings out the glowing sides of the people she meets, while a person who conveys formality can meet the same people and find them stiff and detached. “Attention,” the psychiatrist Iain McGilchrist writes, “is a moral act: it creates, brings aspects of things into being.” The quality of your life depends quite a bit on the quality of attention you project out onto the world.”
David Brooks, How to Know a Person
Picked up a charity shop bargain - I’ve already read Bourgeois Dignity on Kindle, but nice to get a hard copy to leaf through.
Picked up some books from the £1 shelf at the Amnesty secondhand bookshop